Scientists reveal the REAL reason we close our eyes when kissing

2953, Why we close our eyes when kissing

Scientists have revealed that we close our eyes when kissing because the brain can’t deal with more than two things at once.

It was said that the reason is more to do with our brain’s inability to process all the sensations suddenly pouring from our lips and tongues as well as visual data.

“Tactile awareness depends on the level of perceptual load in a concurrent visual task,” said Polly Dalton and Sandra Murphy, cognitive psychologists at Royal Holloway, University of London, in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.

Dalton and Murphy’s research did not actually involve people kissing. Instead they asked people to carry out visual tasks while measuring if they could simultaneously detect something touching their hands. Their findings showed that, as the visual task became more complex, the subject’s ability to detect something touching their hands. Their findings showed that, as the visual task became more complex, the subject’s ability to detect tactile.

Read more: Scientists reveal the REAL reason we close our eyes when we kiss |Daily Mail

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