Obama’s brother announces he will vote for Trump

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President Barack Obama’s Kenyan half-brother, Malik Obama, has vowed to cast his vote for Republican candidate, Donald Trump, and not Hillary Clinton, candidate of Democratic Party, which his brother belongs to.obama 2

Read also: Obama’s Half-Brother Writes Book on the Horrors of Living with the US President’s Absent Father in Kenya

Malik, a dual citizen, an American and a Kenyan, is registered to vote in Maryland. He said he will be leaving for the United States from his village in Kenya to cast his vote for Trump in the presidential election scheduled for November 8, 2016.

“I like Donald Trump because he speaks from the heart.

“Make America Great Again is a great slogan. I would like to meet him,” the 58-year old told New York Post.

A long-time Democrat, Malik explained that his “deep disappointment” in his brother Barack’s administration has led him to recently switch allegiance to “the party of Lincoln.”

Blaming his brother and Hillary Clinton for the killing of his late friend, ex-Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi, Malik, who has several wives, said Democratic Party’s support for same-sex marriage made him abandoned the party.obama 3

“I still feel that getting rid of Khadafy didn’t make things any better in Libya. “My brother and the secretary of state disappointed me in that regard.”

He said further: “I feel like a Republican now because they don’t stand for same-sex marriage, and that appeals to me.”

And Donald Trump has used Malik’s attack on his brother and Hillary Clinton to score points. He said in a post:
“Wow, President Obama’s brother, Malik, just announced he is voting for me. Was probably treated badly by president like everybody else.”

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