Baldness, Early Gray Hair May Be Indicator of Heart Disease – Study


Baldness and premature graying have both been linked with a fivefold increase in heart disease in young men.

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This is according to a recent research presented at the 69th annual conference of the Cardiological Society of India (CSI).

The researchers also noted that obesity, by contrast, is linked with a fourfold risk of early heart disease.

Dr. Kamal Sharma, principal and chief investigator for the study, explained the project in an interview with Healthline.

“This study was designed to look for baldness in patients presenting for heart disease and graded their severity of baldness, graying of hair, and thinness of hair, and correlated it with severity and complexity of heart disease,” he said

“At the time of the heart event, baldness was already present. Hence you can infer that baldness preceded a cardiac event,” he added.

Sharma, associate professor in the department of cardiology at the U.N. Mehta Institute of Cardiology and Research Centre, also noted, “Baldness and premature graying should be considered risk factors for coronary artery disease. These factors may indicate biological — rather than chronological — age, which may be important in determining total cardiovascular risk.”

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